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Sunday, October 17, 2010

VICE Guide to North Korea

I'm taking sociology in school. Shit's so cash. The idea of sitting in a room talking about the way in which one group affects another group in society probably sounds like a nightmare for some people. I, on the other hand, love every second of it. I even get upset if someone asks a question if it's something we've covered, because I want to hear more. I've spent quite a bit of time watching documentaries like "The Century of the Self" that talk about "public relations" and controlling large groups of people. So this subject is really one I'm drawn to by nature.
One of my favorite documentaries is the "Vice Guide to North Korea". That country is an ENTIRE COUNTRY that has been in a time capsule since the 60's. Modern technology has crept in of course, but the people are cut off from nearly all media. This film is sort-of-kind-of-not-really about mind control too, in that it's simply on display, in action. Amazing stuff. If there was one documentary I would recommend to someone who feels disappointed by their own country, it would be this one. Whenever I think about how screwy America is, I can always remind myself that I wasn't born in North Korea, and feel fortunate again.
Watch it. Comment. Wash your hands. (That's just for hygiene.)


  1. I've always found it interesting that we can go to war with Iraq to "protect the people from a horrible oppressive dictator" for the "safety of it's people" and to "encourage democracy there" while ignoring many other countries that have the same problems but worse, like North Korea. Seems to me it's because of two things. 1. There's no oil in North Korea, and 2. We might just pick a fight we'll lose. So we go with the easy wimpy kids on the playground to go tousle their hair and beat them up. Because we can.
